Customized pricing, location tracking, security verification, and whatnot! GIM is all you can ask for. Manage your corporation’s logistics efficiently.
Hire trucks from anywhere,anytime!
Savings in cost through better planning & optimization
All verified users. Track your goods from app!
100% transparent transaction at both ends!
Incoming material shipment (all seaports & land ports), distribution support (factory to critical last mile), shipment for projects (materials/machineries), export shipment (through different ports), asset management as a service (asset management solution), platform as a service (360 transport management solution) are some of the layers where GIM provides its omnichannel support.
In order to create an Enterprise account, one needs to register from GIM website To register, please go to “Create an Account” section from the website and select “Enterprise”. Then input your mobile number. After giving the verification code, you can input other details like Name of Company, Designation, e-mail address and other details to complete the registration.
To create a trip, a registered Enterprise customer needs to go to “Create Trips” from the left menu bar option of the website and input all mandatory details. The mandatory field information requires Pick-up date, Pick-up time, Pick-up address, Drop-off address, Truck Type & size and Type of goods. After inputting all this mandatory information, tapping on the “Create” button will create the trip from the web. An Enterprise user can use his log-in credentials to create trips from the GIM customer app as well.
We take responsibility for your goods by ensuring prior agreement with truck agencies and owners, verifying the driver’s licence and truck registration, providing insurance facilities and so on.
If you face any inconvenience while using the GIM, please report through the GIM app and we will look into the matter. You can also call our helpline: Dhaka: 09678111444 Or email the issue to us at
GIM will look after this issue of damage and try to find the resolution overall.
Fixed rate: Fixed rate across the year to run on a fixed budget.
Competitive: Market rate will ensure the most rate available in the market for the trip.
Quotes are generated by an algorithm that accounts for variations in distance and travel time. While we do our best to honor all quotes, prices may change based on delivery timing and carrier availability.
Quotes are created using an algorithm that takes into consideration distance, trip duration, and market pricing changes (bid by partners). While we make every effort to honor all quotations, costs are subject to fluctuate depending on delivery day, time, and vehicle availability.
Says Energypac manager. Energypac unlocked efficiency by using GIM.
Start your extraordinary journey with truckloads of opportunities!